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MPC 005 Solved Assignment 2023-24


MPC 005 Solved Assignment 2023-24

Research Methods

MPC 005 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.

Course code: MPC 005

Assignment Code: MPC 005/ASST/TMA/2023-24

Marks: 100

There are three Sections in the Assignment. You have to answer all questions in the Sections.

Assignment A

Answer the following questions in 1000 words each.

Q1. Define sampling. Discuss the different methods of sampling.

Sampling refers to the process of selecting a subset (a sample) from a larger population to study and draw conclusions about the entire population. Instead of studying the entire population (which can often be impractical or too costly), researchers study the sample and make inferences about the larger group from which it was drawn.

Different Methods of Sampling:

Random Sampling (or Simple Random Sampling):

Every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected in the sample.

Techniques include using random number generators or drawing lots.

Example: Selecting 100 people out of 10,000 using a random number table.

Stratified Sampling:

The population is divided into subgroups (or strata) based on certain characteristics, and then a random sample is taken from each subgroup.

This method ensures that each subgroup is adequately represented.

Example: When surveying students, ensuring that each grade level is represented by taking random samples from each grade.

Systematic Sampling:

Every nth member of the population is selected, starting from a random point.

Example: In a population of 10,000, every 100th person might be selected for a sample size of 100.

Cluster Sampling:

The population is divided into clusters (groups), and a random sample of these clusters is selected. All members within chosen clusters are then surveyed.

It's useful when the population is spread out geographically.

Example: Selecting a few schools in a state and surveying all students within those selected schools.

Quota Sampling (a non-probability method):

The population is divided into subgroups, and the researcher intentionally sets a number to be chosen from each subgroup based on certain characteristics.

It's similar to stratified sampling but doesn't randomly select within subgroups.

Example: Interviewing 50 males and 50 females from a population.

Convenience Sampling (a non-probability method):

The sample is chosen based on what's easiest or most convenient for the researcher.

This method is not very rigorous and may lead to biases.

Example: Surveying people who walk by a particular location.

Judgmental or Purposive Sampling (a non-probability method):

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The researcher uses their judgment to select specific individuals or groups that can provide the required information or fit a specific profile.

Example: Interviewing experts in a particular field.

Snowball Sampling (a non-probability method):

Used when the desired sample characteristic is rare or hard-to-reach.

Initial participants recruit additional participants from their network.

Example: Researching a specific population like people with a rare disease, where participants might know others with the same condition.

It's essential to choose the appropriate sampling method based on the research question, the nature of the population, and the resources available. The chosen method will influence the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the results and conclusions drawn from the research.

Q2. Discuss the steps involved in research process.

Q3. Discuss the meaning, types and relevance of qualitative research. Explain the ethical guidelines in qualitative research.

Assignment B

Answer the following questions in 400 words each.

Q4. Criteria and misconceptions of case studies.

Q5. Types of variables.

Q6. Advantages and disadvantages of quasi experimental design.

Q7. Types of questions that can be used in a survey research.

Q8. Types of correlational research design.


Q9. Difference between causal comparative and experimental research design

Q10. Types of hypotheses.

Q11. Types of Validity.

Q12. Reliability.

Q13. Types of survey research.

Q14. Quantitative research design.

Q15. Factorial Design.

Q16. Definition of research design.

Q17. Field experiment.

Q18. Research Biases.

MPC 005 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : All assignments are in PDF format which would be send on email/WhatsApp (9958676204) just after payment.


Dear Learner,

You have to submit one assignment in each course, i.e. MPC 005 Solved Assignment 2023-24. All these are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). Before attempting the assignments, please read the instructions provided in the Programme Guide carefully.

Kindly note, you have to submit these assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. You must mention your Enrolment Number, Name, Address, Assignment Code and Study Centre Code on the first page of the assignment. You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. Keep photocopies of the assignments with you.

Also Check :

MPC 004 Solved Assignment 2023-24

BECC 111 Solved Assignment 2023-24

After evaluation, the assignments have to be returned to you by the Study Centre. Please insist on this and keep a record with you. The marks obtained by you will be sent by the Study Centre to the Student Evaluation Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.

Guidelines for Doing Assignments

There are five questions in each assignment, all carry equal marks. Attempt all the questions in not more than 500 words (each). You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

Planning: Read the assignments carefully. Go through the units on which they are based, make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order

Organization and Presentation: Be analytical in your selection of the information for your answer. Give adequate attention to the introduction and the conclusion. Make sure that your answer is logical and coherent; has a proper flow of information.

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